At the Edge – Award winning biographical short movie
“Who has never had this feeling, to be lost at times…” Many see the succes and results: in my case as a martial artist since more than 37 years now and recently as an actor. But what people rarely see is the sacrifice, the blood and sweat, time and money, the struggle, sometimes desperation which came along our paths.
I knew glory and I knew what it is to have nothing anymore. But one thing I know is that a small voice inside me always guided me to continue, no matter what. When times are the darkest and we don’t give up, then suddenly a small light appears. This is what happened at a certain moment in my life, this is the story I wrote with ‘At the Edge’ at that particular moment in my life in 2017. The struggle but at the same time opportunities, which became realities once seized ( thanks to Ron Smoorenburg, who always believed in me, although we never met ) were woven into one and another.
I was lucky to have contact with director Lorenzo Vanin: I explained my idea, my story that I wanted to let film in Thailand. And he made a complete storyboard and put it in a visual context.
Although my very first production and story writing, it is not the perfect expression I wanted, but the message was so good enough that till today I receive so many messages from people all around the world who saw the short. What I lived, experienced and and put in words in this short movie, can happen to all. It also gives insight how martial arts kept me going and brought me some beauty in life.
If we treat our passion with love and practise it without any bad intention, then it becomes a true value in our life, which will accompany us during our life.